CA Midterm1
CA Midterm1 Review
L01: Great Ideas in Computer Architecture
- Anything can be represented as a number.
- Moore’s Law: The number of transistors on a chip doubles every two years.
- Prediced based on observation of the trend in the number of transistors on a chip.
- Amdahl’s Law: The speedup of a program using multiple processors in parallel computing is limited by the time needed for the sequential fraction of the program.
- $S_{\text{speedup}} = \frac{1}{(1 - f) + \frac{f}{n}}$
- $f$: fraction of the program that must be executed sequentially
- $n$: number of processors
- Execution time after improvement = Time affected/Amount of Parallelism + Time not effected
- $S_{\text{speedup}} = \frac{1}{(1 - f) + \frac{f}{n}}$
- Memory Hierarchy: The more regularly used, the closer to CPU, the faster it will be.
- CPU registers is the fastest, SSD is slowest.
- Parallelism/Pipeline: Divide the work into multiple stages and execute them in parallel, then join them together.
- Performance Measurement and Improvement
- Performance: The amount of work done in a given time.
- Performance Improvement: Increase the performance by increasing the speed of the CPU, increasing the number of CPUs, or increasing the number of instructions executed per cycle.
- Dependability via Redundancy
- Redundancy to avoid a failing piece causing the whole system to fail.
- Applies to everything from datacenter to storage to memory to instructors(datacenters, disks, memory bits).
L02: Info Representation
1. Binary
- Bit: The smallest unit of data.
- 4-bit: 1 nibble, 8-bit: 1 byte, 16-bit: 1 half word, 32-bit: 1 word.
- Everything can be represented as a number.
- Images, sounds, videos, etc. are all represented as numbers.
- Not necessarily binary,i.e., the assertion that everything in a computer is represented as binary is false.
- Least Significant Bit(LSB Bit 0) and Most Significant Bit(MSB Bit 31).
2. Signed Integers
- Totally three ways to represent signed integers.
- Sign-Magnitude: The leftmost bit is the sign bit, 0 for positive, 1 for negative. Others stay the same.
- The range is $-2^{n-1}-1 \leq x \leq 2^{n-1} - 1$
- Arithmetic unfriendly
- One’s Complement: Positive numbers are the same as the binary representation, negative numbers are the bitwise NOT of the positive number.(Flip all the bits)
- It still has a signed bit.
- The range is $-2^{n-1}-1 \leq x \leq 2^{n-1} - 1$
- Arithmetic unfriendly
- Two’s Complement: The negative number is the bitwise NOT of the positive number plus 1. Positive one stay unchanged.
- The range is $-2^{n-1} \leq x \leq 2^{n-1} - 1$
- Arithmetic friendly
- Sign-Magnitude: The leftmost bit is the sign bit, 0 for positive, 1 for negative. Others stay the same.
3. Floating Point Numbers
- FP32 - Special cases: - **Overflow**($>2.0\times 2^{128}, <-2.0\times 2^{128}$): $\pm \infty$ - All exponent = 1s and All mantissa = 0s - **Underflow**($<1\times 2^{-127},>-1\times 2^{-127}$) - Denormalized: Let exponent all 0s, representing -126, and mantissa has no implicit leading 1. - Range ($-2^{-23}*2^{-126}\sim 2^{-23}\times 2^{-126}$) - **NAN**: $0\times \infty$, $\sqrt{n},n<0$, $\frac{0}{0},\frac{\infty}{\infty}$
L03, L04 C Language and Memory Management
Process of Compilation
- C Pre-processing: Handling Macro, Function-like macro(
), text editing(Removing comments,#include
) - Parser&Semantic Analysis:
- Recognize each code word as a “token”
- Record the location of each token
- Organize tokens as AST tree
- Report errors
- Code Generation & Optimization:
- Generate IR(intermediate representation)
- IR to Assembly
- C Pre-processing: Handling Macro, Function-like macro(
Memory Management
*p = malloc(size_t size)
: allocate a block of uninitialized memory*p = calloc(size_t num, size_t sum)
: allocate num*sum bytes zero-initialized memory*p = realloc(void* ptr, size_t size)
: reallocte a block of uninitialized memory(realloc a nullptr is the same as malloc)
- Stack: function invocations(start from 0xFFFFFFF)
- Heap: dynamic memory allocation(malloc, free…)
- Static Data(global and static bariables, allocated in compile time)
- Code: same as text segment, saving all code
Assembler: Change assembly language code to object code and information table.
- Replace pseudo-instructions with real instructions
- Encode logical and arithmetic operations
- Encode PC-relative branches and jumps(two-pass assembler)
- Pass 1: remember positions of labels (in symbol table)
- Pass 2: Use label positions to generate machine code
Linker: Combine multiple object files(
) into one executable file.- Function call(multiple files): external references
- Static data(global)
- Relocate text segments, data segements from differnt files
- Resolve addresses
- External function reference(jal)
- static data reference(auipc, Itype,Stype)
Loader: Load the executable file into memory and start the program.
- loading is OS’s job
L09, L10 Digital circuits and systems
- Digital systems
- NMOS: on when $V_{Gate}=1$
- PMOS: on when $V_{Gate}=0$
- Synchronous Digital System(SDS) contains combinational digital system and sequential digital system.
- Combinational logics
Some Boolean Algebra easy to forget- $X+YZ=(X+Y)(X+Z)$
- $X=(X+Y)X=X+XY$
- Sequential logics
- Estimating the max frequency
- $t_{clk-to-Q}+t_{comb}\le T_{clk-period}-setuptime$
- $t_{comb}+t_{clk-to-Q}\ge holdtime$
- How to build a FSM circuit?
- Estimating the max frequency
CA Midterm1